Are you ready for spring? I am! I am tired of winter, being cooped up or when I am out, navigating the ice and shivering with cold. I know there are some brave souls out there who keep on jogging, keep up their walks, (Bravo!) and engage in healthy, wonderful, winter sports.
And then, there’s the rest of us.
The rest of us have been waiting for spring. We have been eager to open the windows, throw on a light jacket, and go for a walk.
This is my favorite season. I love the idea of starting anew, emerging from the cocoon of winter clothes and closed-up houses and buildings.
I enjoy the trees and flowers waking up, and that smell in the air that signals re-birth.
This is also the perfect time to make some new, healthy, stress-reducing, choices.
Notice that I didn’t say resolutions. I said choices.
We make choices everyday, and every minute of our days.
We choose whether or not to let a clanging alarm clock wake us up with only minutes to spare to get out the door, or to give ourselves an extra 15 minutes in the morning to eat a healthy breakfast without being rushed.
We make the choice whether to get angry at the other drivers on our commute to work, or whether to take some deep breaths, and cut the other drivers some slack.
We make choices about whether to engage in negative talk with our co-workers or to stay upbeat and positive.
We choose whether or not to bark our lunch order at the waitress because we are in a hurry, or to smile at her as we place our order.
We choose whether to drink so much caffeine that we are edgy by the time we get home, or to drink water during the day to keep our bodies hydrated and refreshed.
We choose to stay up late at night watching television or working on the computer, or we make the choice to get enough sleep each night by setting a regular bedtime.
Don’t kid yourself.
Life doesn’t just happen.
You make the choices.
What are your choices?
Don’t you want to make some new ones for spring?
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