Imagine this:
The danger is not to women. Rapes don’t happen in society, but surprisingly, dicks get cut off quite often. At an alarming rate. We call this Castration Culture. Men complain but there is nothing society does to stop it.

The newspapers talk about it and describe what the man was wearing and doing at the time that may have influenced him getting his dick cut off. The reporters get complaints about titillation in their reporting.
People make jokes about it. Men are afraid of everyone and places like dark alleys. Sometimes, women tease men and hold a knife near their lower region, and pretend they are going to hurt them, then they laugh. People make jokes and references to this part of their body and men feel uncomfortable. When the men don’t laugh, people make fun of them and tell them to lighten up.
Groups of women are suspect, but they are easily avoidable if you walk in safe places. Men are given lists of things they can do to avoid castration. Don’t wear clothing that allows easy access to penis. Don’t go places where you are alone and defenseless. Carry keys between your fingers, and perhaps take a self defense class.
Many times though, the violence happens in the home. It is surprisingly common that many dicks are cut off in the home. It's often cut off by someone the man knows.
This is called Date Castration. This is especially difficult to prosecute as the men, well, you know they were asking for it.
Every movie and television show has a hint of danger for men.

Castration is seen as entertainment. Isn't it exciting to know this could happen to any man at any time in any movie or television show? There is always a danger of their cock getting cut off! There is always a scenario when they need to worry about this. The detectives arrive at the scene, and they are told it’s a male victim. First question: has he had his penis cut off?
Now we get a brief look at the dead body and the male detective winces, because there it is again, a penis cut off. We may also get to look at all the body parts left during the autopsy because again, this is entertainment.
The suspense, the sexual tension, the entertainment!
Oh, one more thing. Many people do not go to prison for this, because it’s usually the man’s fault. (C'mon. We all know it!)
Wouldn’t men get tired of this?
I would love to hear your comments
#rapeculture #castration #victimblaming #rape #violence #daterape #penisissues #violenceagainstwomen #violence #domesticviolence #torture #dianafletcheractivist #dianafletcher #castrationculture #men #mensupportingwomen #rapeinfilms #sexualabuse #dicoach #televisionrape #rapeintelevisionshows #trigger #triggerwarning #triggerwarningrape #understandingsexualassault #misogynists #demeaningjokes #inappropriatejokes #metoo #timesup #victims #survivors #selfdefense #selfdefenseforWomen #selfdefenseforMen #violentsociety #whyWomenDontTell
I love this! One of my wonderful readers sent me this: "In a Gynarchy, Women become empowered, and are no longer held back by the patriarchal system. The main difference is that unlike a patriarchal system, Women will lead government and society. Think of it like the 1950's way of life but in reverse."
So, there you go!
Well, yes ... every medal has two sides. And the medal could fall to the edge too ... Or a reverse table. Round table.
Wise absurd pamphlet. It paints a very gynarchystic world for my taste ... but an existing answer to the history of male domination for many.
David, thank you so much for sharing your experience and for this:
"But it's this same (in)difference that happens when it comes to rape culture. Some men are oblivious to it (ahem Weston), some carry it forward and teach it to the younger generation and others actively pursue it. Articles like yours put it right out there dab smack in the middle of your face to see and discuss. And that's good. We need that; we need more and more of that. And we need men not to be afraid to view life from a female point of view and fundamentally understand that we become better as humans in so doing."
I know what…
Diana, you hit the nail on the head..err the dick with the scissors in this case.
Perfectly stated and I agree totally with you. When Denise, my wife, had all of her cancer screenings and mammograms she explained to me what exactly they do to test the breasts. OUCH!! I was so shocked. I know, i know. Stupid male, right? No. My wife trained me about how powerful a woman is and can be since I was 16. In terms of mammograms I was just not informed (still no excuse, I know). In any case, once I was enlightened, Denise said, "yeah if you men had to get your junk checked like us it would be in a heated, fur-lined…
Weston, Thanks so much for reading and leaving your comments. I have not heard from many men and you are correct--it was supposed to be preposterous and it was supposed to make you squirm. I think it is really important for men to realize that as outlandish and absurd as it seems, this is our reality. Every single day. Thanks again--I really appreciate your thoughts. Your reactions, as a man, were really interesting and I am glad you shared.